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Garbage and Code in Orange by on Oct 03 2010
media, programing, Technology We went to the huge recycling plant of BSR in Spandau: containers for wood, metal and electronic Schrott/scrap. They gave for children a cardboard model of a garbage truck, so I spent a whole day making it (and even enforcing the wheels to endure heavy playing). “So orange ist nur Berlin”. The garbage track is called Mülltitalent (!! Müll = garbage) and indeed someone at BSR has a lot of wit to promote this ... 0
consumer protection, Internet, Mobile Internet, programing, tech-watch, Technology I went through the most miserable moments in my whole professional computer career. With optimal connection 25KB/sec download and 7KB/sec upload bandwidth on cellular Internet connection (costing €4.95 a day; T-Mobile web’n’walk USB Stick basic; declared as UMTS 3600 kbps Downstream / 384 kBit/s Upstream). So I am basically 20 years back to modems of 14.4KB/sec My coverage of the cellular Internet connection is ... 0
Continue reading(Frustrating, unreliable) Technology of times in which we live (beginning of 21st century, year 2010) by on Jun 12 2010
Internet, Technology My 4.5 year old boy brought to me PEZ menthol ‘bonbons’ holder (this one was with Tom of Tom & Jerry cartoon characters). Something was wrong as we couldn’t slide it smoothly in and out of the plastic frame. Just another cheap mass production to start your day with a frustration. Then came another — from Internet computer industry, PayPal payment couldn’t be handled properly by eBay database ... 1
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