Garbage and Code in Orange

media, programing, Technology

We went to the huge recycling plant of BSR in Spandau: containers for wood, metal and electronic Schrott/scrap. They gave for children a cardboard model of a garbage truck, so I spent a whole day making it (and even enforcing the wheels to endure heavy playing). “So orange ist nur Berlin”.
BSR model garbage-truck

The garbage track is called Mülltitalent (!! Müll = garbage) and indeed someone at BSR has a lot of wit to promote this awkward job as a respectable service – and join the usual city toy group of police, fire-brigade, ambulance, trains and site-builders.

The rest of the day – as it was possible to squeeze out of usually busy family Saturday – remained for sorting out programming garbage.

I have an issue/problem/bug that in dbQwikSite ASP generated pages fields Y/N (Access db) have no populated check boxes. Everything is okay in the Project page of dbQwikSite, and in Delete webpage where True/False is used as words, but wherever there is a checkbox like an icon that one is not populated: in db view, in edit, more or copy record.

The buggy code:

CellValue = "" & QSFormatNumber(Rs(4),0,-1,0,-1) & ""
cbchecked = QSCheckSelected("1", CellValue,"checked")
Cellvalue = Cellvalue = "<input type=""checkbox"" onclick=""return false"" value=""1""" & cbchecked & ">"
and the Orange clean code:
If Rs(4) = -1 Then
Cellvalue = "<input type=""checkbox"" name=""" & Fields(4) & """ onclick=""return false"" checked>"
Cellvalue = "<input type=""checkbox"" name=""" & Fields(4) & """ onclick=""return false"" >"
End If

cbchecked (upper code-snippet) does nothing;
name (lower code-snippet) is unnecessary but I put it just because of syntax-exercise of a few layers deep quoting.
Pay attention that Access takes “-1” as True!!
(useful link that gave me a hint: )

Will see how this behaves in exploitation, but for the time being the code is orange=clean.

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